AACC welcomes you. We prefer to discuss any question about your document by phone rather than email, Please call us at (202) 347-5800.
The Arab American Chamber of Commerce assists U.S. forwarders and exporters to create and legalize Commercial Invoices for use in the Arab Countries. AACC provides expedited C/ O legalization service including authentication from the US Department of State, chamber Stamp and consular certification from the embassy of the destination country in Washington DC.
Before you can request our service, ensure that the Commercial Invoice meets the following requirements:
The following table contains the fees and the processing time required to legalize a Commercial Invoice for the Arab countries:
Please click on your destination country for more price details
The legalization of a Commercial Invoice and a Certificate of Origin are
obligatory to export any shipment to Bahrain,
Libya, Qatar or UAE.
Arab American Chamber of Commerce
1615 Bay Head Rd. Annapolis MD 21409
T: (410) 757-5544
E: aacc@arabchamber.com
If you are using FedEx or-UPS-, please send a self addressed airway bill for return of your document. (make sure that it has your account number or your credit card number and expiration date, and that you have signed it). If you are using regular or priority USPS mail, please include a stamped, self addressed envelope.